Home | Our Products | Formula | Phenylketonuria - PKU | GMP-Based | PhenylAde® GMP READY
A low-phenylalanine, ready-to-drink formula containing glycomacropeptide (GMP) for the dietary management of phenylketonuria (PKU) for children, teens and adults.
GMP-based formulas are known for their mild taste and may aid in feelings of fullness
Enjoyable, neutral flavor with a smooth texture for easy drinking
Provides 10 g of protein equivalent per carton
Convenient, ready-to-drink during school lunch, at work or anywhere on-the-go
The only ready-to-drink PKU formula with GMP to provide both DHA & EPA, omega-3 fatty acids often missing from a typical PKU diet
Excellent source of both calcium and vitamin D, two nutrients that help build and maintain strong bones and teeth
Suitable for individuals over 1 year of age and must be used under medical supervision.