Low Pro Living Support Blog

You’ve come to right place to learn more about inborn errors of metabolism like PKU or MSUD, explore diet management tips, and hear inspiring stories. From big moments, like starting college to little ones like what to eat for dinner, we have tips and ideas to help you along the way.

Please note: information presented in our blogs is for educational purposes only and is in no way intended to replace the care, advice, and medical supervision of your metabolic team. Always consult your metabolic healthcare team with questions you have and before you make any changes to your or your loved one’s diet or condition management.

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Caring for Rare Podcast: Season 1, Episode 1

Raising Young Children With PKU – An Interview With Lacy Shaffer And Julie Bolduc Defilippo Nutricia North America’s new podcast – Caring for Rare – explores what life is like with a rare metabolic disorder such as phenylketonuria (PKU), maple syrup urine disease (MSUD), and homocystinuria (HCU). Episodes feature families’ personal stories of inborn errors

Caring for Rare Podcast: Season 1, Episode 1 READ MORE

Introducing NutriciaMetabolics.com

From little moments to big ones, we’re here for you Nutricia is proud to launch our newly redesigned NutriciaMetabolics.com website, formerly known as MedicalFood.com. NutriciaMetabolics.com has been rebuilt with you in mind. Our aim is to provide the Metabolic community with support from the littlest moments in life to the biggest ones. Here are a

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Aspen and Finn seated on the ground

The Early Years: Giving Your Little One the Best Start in Life

Nutricia is by your family’s side following your baby’s diagnosis of an inborn error of metabolism: our Periflex®/Anamix® Early Years metabolic infant formulas are used and trusted in 25 countries, and we’re here with all-around support to give your little one the best start in life. Nutricia is committed to supporting your little one with

The Early Years: Giving Your Little One the Best Start in Life READ MORE

PKU Family

A family’s journey in learning about PKU through baby Aspen

“When I got the call, I couldn’t process what I was hearing. It was so hard.” Lacy thinks back to the moment when she learned that her second child, a baby girl named Aspen, was diagnosed with Phenylketonuria (PKU). PKU is a rare inherited metabolic disorder that means a person must avoid foods naturally high

A family’s journey in learning about PKU through baby Aspen READ MORE

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